The Bluff

Elio D'Anna
2 min readJun 27, 2024


Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

In the game of poker, bluffing could be only apparent, a façade, and thus turn out to be a trap; but in the game of life, bluffing is always a bluff — in front of you there is always a test to pass, a deceptive test to reveal.

You just have to play the game and always ‘see’, always go and ‘call’, whatever the stakes, whatever the raise; and however great or threatening the attack may appear, your being must remain absolutely intact, whole.

If you are, your cards will always be right, they will always be winners!

You can only lose if you forget, if you give in, if you doubt and if you declare your defeat before it even happens.

You must never stop daring, believing and more than anything else … ‘remember’ that your opponent will never have better ‘cards’ than yours.

His confidence is smoke and mirrors. He is bluffing!

Whatever the challenge, on the other side there is you….

none other than you. There is only you, playing against yourself.

If you win yourself, if you overcome the doubt, the fear, it all works to your advantage.

If you stop believing and give in, if you ‘fold’, even the antagonist loses its meaning, its reason for existing.

Never give up! When the challenge seems too big or too threatening, you just have to know how to wait. Do not forget that on the other side there is your best ally, someone who strongly wants your victory, who paradoxically loves you more than you can love yourself.

Unfortunately, when you forget, your negative imagination makes you believe that on the other side there is something that can annihilate you, destroy you.

But this is not possible, because life is a vertical game, created and projected by your Being and its one and only purpose is your victory.

The opponent’s cards are always losers — you just need to have the courage to ‘see’. The opponent is always bluffing.

He has only your fear in his favour, your perplexity, your terror of being defeated.

On the other side of the table there is only a scarecrow, a ghost, a loser. If you can remember it in every moment and in every circumstance, you will win all the challenges.

Remember, victory is here. It can only exist here, at this very moment. Just like freedom, wealth and love. This is where everything happens. Outside there is nothing to win. Outside there is no enemy to forgive, nor any evil that can harm you. The Antagonist is your most precious ally; an instrument to improve and perfect you and make you whole — the only key that grants access to the innermost recesses of your Being.

Everything happens in this infinite, almighty instant.



Elio D'Anna

Elio D’Anna, Founder and President of @eseschool, best-selling author, businessman, musician and producer